
You read that correctly! This APP actually offers Free TV and you get paid to watch it. This is a Must Have so be sure to download it today. It is available for use on your Smartphone, Computer, or Tablet. Remember all the years our parents restricted how long we could watch TV; well look at us now. We can watch it as much as we want and get paid for doing it. Look how far we have come! You can now cut the cable and satellite bills and save. This is the TV for Now & the Future! Ditch the Dish that has become a yard ornament or get that eyesore off your house/apartment. Those are in the past and our APP is the Now and Future. Be a part of our Movement Worldwide and download the App Today!

This Free TV is just the beginning of something AMAZING! You will get this set up with our Reward Point System referred to as the Tipping Circle. Once you register, you can download and activate your Free TV. It is all Amazing from There. You get Reward Points for Watching Broadcasting on Free TV! It is TV like no OTHER!


That is not all, once you get setup and started watching FREE TV, you will be helping people from Around the World. It doesn’t get better than that. You get paid and help others all while doing something you love! It is a win, win situation!

Are you Ready to get started? Follow the Steps Below to get your Free TV:

We are a part of an amazing network called “The Performance Giving Network”. This is just the beginning as we a growing and sharing around the Globe. Not one person should ever go hungry, without necessary items or some of the finer things. It all starts with this Premium TV Programming, the Internet, and Educating Everyone about our Mission. Then we can share our knowledge around the World to reach and teach Everyone how to create Wealth. We all deserve a wonderful life – Including You!

Start Now; Save Money, Earn Money and have the Best Programming all while helping have a positive impact on the World.

Our Performance Giving Network is using multiple tools like TV, Chat & Games to help better the World through this amazing resource. Our use of TV programs and Chatting Devices are growing astronomically across the Globe! Be a part of our Movement Now!