Performance Giving Network

Welcome to the Performance Giving Network (aka PGN). We are a collective group of Entrepreneurs who are looking to make the World an Awesome Place for everyone. To start, we must create the platform, a network to allow amazing things.

Issues of the World:

  • Unbanked Citizens of the World. Just think how it would be if you were not able to use or access banking services and just what banking services do for you.
  • Economic Stimulus. Some communities have to way to create or fund economic stimulus.
  • Poverty Stricken Cultures. With the ever changing digital World, these poverty stricken cultures have no way to catch up let alone make any gain from it.

By providing resources to give them access to banking, ways to make an income, and raising from the poverty, we can help solve that for the World! No limits or boundaries through the proper education and leadership.

Wealth Re-Distribution!

This is a massive movement and there are already thousands that have joined us to create an economic solution for the entire World to Participate in.

There is an entire team devoted to this expansion, training and deployment to make this a reality.

We want to end Poverty and Increase the Quality of Life for everyone we touch.

We accomplish this through an Incredible Process.

Performance Giving Network Income Options

With PGN, there are many ways we are working to create an economic solution by developing income streams that provide a better way of life – ultimately allowing Poverty to be removed from the Earth.

To start, we are utilizing TippingCircle to provide the World access to a true Global Banking Solution. Some of the example programs offered within are listed below:

Chat & Get Paid: Get paid to chat on the Worlds most secure chat program.

Game & Get Paid: Earn money will playing some of the most incredible games online.

Watch TV & Get Paid: We are taking Premium TV Programming around the globe – It is one of the best things EVER!